Day 10 Morning Devotion

Day 10 (Scripture) 2 Chronicles 7:12:14 Morning Devotion Sometimes prayer is not enough. We can pray and pray and hear nothing. God gives Solomon an answer to this question of why would God not answer a prayer. When sin brings pride into our lives we cannot just stop sinning and Read more…

Day 9 Morning Devotion

Day 9 (Scripture) Psalm 7:1-5 Morning Devotion Lord save me! David cried to the Lord for justice against his enemies. He spoke to the Lord asking for intervention because He knew that God was the only one who could solve the problem. It led David to say these dangerous words… Read more…

Day 7 Evening Devotion

Day 7: (Scripture) John 15:1-8 Evening Devotion Jesus declares that much fruit will come from us if we abide in Him. He also mentions that His word abides in us. Without His word, we can do nothing. This does not mean we cannot function in everyday operations. It means that Read more…

Day 6 Evening Devotion

Day 6: (Scripture) Ephesians 6:11-18 Evening Devotion You cannot stand against the enemy when you are uncovered. Satan looks for the believer who is vulnerable so he can attack them. Sometimes these are attacks are mistaken to be your friend, coworker, family members, or even a stranger. We must remember Read more…