Day 8:


Romans 8:26-28

Evening Devotion

When you are in a battle stronger than you feel you can handle, it is no surprise that you cannot find the words to even pray. It’s like the words are held captive in your mind. This is where the Spirit of God steps in. He knows what to say when we do not. We only need to be still and trust in Him knowing that whatever the situation God is not silent. His Spirit will speak through us in a way we cannot understand or explain because the communication is supernatural. It is a communication that only God comprehends.

We see this in 1 Samuel 1 with Hannah’s prayer. Eli thought she was drunk. She was past desperation and it confused those around her. When you are praying for something, don’t let a lack of communication hold you back. Take it to the cross and let the Spirit of God to speak through you. You may not understand. It may take you to absolute silence, or tears. Let the situation know not just that God is in control, but that whatever it is will work out for your good.


Lord Almighty! There is none that compares to You. Who sees our affliction and knows our troubles like You? God sometimes we mess up our lives and You allow the calamity to come on us and afflict us, but You will not let it consume us because You hear the groanings and cries in our hearts and You remind us that all things work together for the good of them that love You and are called according to Your purpose. While it is hard to embrace it, we understand that the problem is all part of Your master plan and it will work out for our good.

Help us even when we have no words. Speak through us and we will be still.

In Jesus name!


Categories: Desk Notes