Day 2:


2 Kings 18:29-36

Morning Devotion:

The enemy is a great deceiver. He desires to speak lies to either confuse us or pull us into the fight. We see this example in 2nd Kings when the true God was compared to false gods hoping to receive a response from the people. When someone challenges God it does not mean we are to defend God. Peter tells us to be ready to give a response, but it does not mean we are supposed to speak. Sometimes God wants us to be ready to just BE STILL.

We see it in this case when the people were told to be quiet. We also see it when Peter attacked the high priest’s servant and Jesus told him to put away his sword. Why? Because God was not just going to defend Himself, but also His children. He is fully capable of defending us and Himself against our enemies. He just needs us to believe. Today. Let us focus on being still because we know that He Is God!


Heavenly Father! You are the God over abnormal situations. When we are outnumbered, chained, enclosed, it does not change your strength, or ability to be the God of victory. May You hear our prayers this morning and send victory just like you did for Elijah, Paul, and Silas. Whatever stronghold is before us, move it God and I establish Your name above every stronghold. Whatever prison is keeping us, we pray that our praise will shake the doors and the chains. Not because of us, but because the praise is bringing the God of Victory into the room. Thank You Lord!

In the Mighty Name of Jesus!


Categories: Desk Notes