Day 15:


Mark 9:28-29

Evening Devotion

The disciples were unable to heal a demon possessed boy so his father brought him to Jesus. Jesus just told the father to believe. If all it took was belief, then why did his belief not work with the disciples?

Jesus answered this question in verse 29 that prayer and fasting were necessary. The disciples had not done this so they did not have the ability to cast out the demon. This shows the increased spiritual strength that comes with prayer and fasting. While it may weaken your flesh, it provides strength necessary for spiritual warfare. Some things you can walk away from easily, but there are other things that do not want to relinquish the hold on your life. You can trust and believe all you want to, but if there is no prayer and fasting it will not let go unless you strengthen yourself.

It is time to build up our spirit and send an eviction notice to the stronghold!


Lord. I thank You that all power belongs to You. Any stronghold that tries to keep us in sin, keep us in fear, keep us in failure, or keep us bound, we desire to strengthen ourselves. We build up our spirit with the power of the Almighty God to declare that no weapon formed, no weapon rooted, no weapon actively seeking our destruction will prosper.

We declare that we will take the time to pray and fast so that we can grow in strength and gain access to the victory over the stronghold. Satan has no authority over our lives and we will not allow him to gain ground in our minds. We believe in You. We believe in prayer. We fast to show that even though our flesh is weakened, our spirit declares that we are strong in the Lord and the power of His might. This we believe!

In Jesus’ Name!


Categories: Desk Notes