Day 13:


Mark 11:22-26

Evening Devotion

Mountains are impossible to move. They are stationary mounds of giant rock that we are not able to move. Yet Jesus said this was possible. How?

Faith. Jesus said all we need is faith as small as a mustard seed to stand against something the size of a mountain. We saw this example with

  • The small stone of David’s that destroyed Goliath
  • The small army of Gideon that defeated the massive enemy
  • The Hebrew boys that withstood the fiery furnace

All these examples show the power of faith. Now imagine using this faith in your prayer life. It will change the way you pray by causing you to stop begging if God can and start declaring what His word says. Faith will cause you to stand in the face of the enemy’s camp to declare that you will no longer bow to his plans. Faith can make you look crazy, but that is what God is looking for in His people. He is looking for someone crazy enough to believe that the mountain can be moved. Are you crazy or normal?!


Jesus! You commanded me to have faith in every situation. So, I pray against every mountain that comes before me. You said to speak to the mountain. I know the mountain is bigger and stronger than I am, but I have faith in Your strength in me. Alone, I will fail, but You never leave me alone to fight my battles. I call on You as this mountain hovers over me. It keeps speaking negativity and reminding me of my past. It wants me to return to the days of my strength; the days when I was weak and still trying to fight a losing battle. I am not strong enough to win this. But You, O’ Lord, are strength. Give me the strength to speak to this mountain. Free my mind from doubt so I can only operate with faith and it shall move out of my life!

The mountain of anxiety shall move!

The mountain of fear shall move!

The mountain of sickness shall move!

The mountain of suicide shall move!

I shall not be moved, but this mountain shall be moved!

I have faith and trust in You Lord!


Categories: Desk Notes