Day 20:


Jeremiah 17:5-8

Morning Devotion

We live in the secondary society. When you go to the hospital, they ask for your primary health coverage. After this, they ask if you have any secondary health coverage. Most people have more than one credit card. When one fails, the other can cover us.

Our days consist of a constant struggle between who will be our primary help. The primary help is the most important because placing man as primary, he allows God to be secondary. However, if God is primary, the secondary coverage feature is canceled. When you trust in man spiritually, you look for secondary coverage or tertiary only to end up cursing yourself. When you trust in God, you rest because you know that you are blessed!


Father. There is none like You. I love You and bless Your holy Name for being who You are. You have taken me through various trials and tribulations and provided more than I deserve. Thank You! You have been so faithful, why would I trust in another. You have proven Yourself to be more reliable than I have been to myself. Why would I trust in my own flesh? Why would I seek secondary help when I know that you are all I need. I do not trust in man. I trust him the Lord!

I trust in You. I trust that…

When I am weak, You will still be strong.

When I am sad, You will make me glad.

When I am empty, You will fill me up.

When I am hurting, You will heal me.

When I am surround by problems, You will surround me with favor.

I Trust In You, Jesus!


Categories: Desk Notes