Day 12:


Luke 18:27

Evening Devotion

We prayed this morning for the God of possibilities to do the impossible. This is not a request the world can make because they question and doubt His authentication and existence. They do not believe that He created the world, so why would they believe He can work a miracle for us! The problem for those who doubt is that they are trying to place God, who is not confined by our limitations, into the natural functionality of us as humans. This is a flawed thought process that will never make sense of God.

When Jesus told His disciples that the impossible things for men are possible for God, He was telling them that God transcends all abilities that we know or can comprehend. This is why our prayers are focused around Him because we know He is a waymaker and so much more. The enemy knows this and puts doubt in our minds so that we will wonder if it is possible. We must destroy all doubt and remind ourselves that God is beyond our minds can understand and encompasses all.

When we pray, let us pray knowing the hardest problem will never cause Him to break a sweat because He is exactly who He said He is – GOD ALONE!


God. How can we describe You to a people who doubt You? How can we explain what You do when they don’t even want to know You. All we can do is declare who You are by living who You are to us. We believe in You and know that You are the God who makes all things possible.

Lord of Heaven and Earth! Make us know how great You are even when our minds want to question and doubt. We delete and destroy all thoughts and words that want to quench what You are speaking in our lives. We pray for an anointing in our lives that would overflow causing the world to see what You do. Help us show who You are when we are surrounded in the valley.

In Jesus Mighty Name!


Categories: Desk Notes