Day 9:


Matthew 21:21-22

Evening Devotion

Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it withered. The disciples did not marvel that withered, but that it was done by the spoken word. What they did not realize was Jesus didn’t do it by spoken word alone. He did it with the living word and was showing them the results of the word coming to life. He told them that the word needed to be mixed with faith in order to bring their words to life.

God’s Spirit is telling us that we can speak life into our situations if we believe. In order to believe, we have to cancel all questions, doubt, and other options. Reading the word is good but there is more to it when we believe and destroy the words of the flesh which bring death. It’s time for us to mix God’s word with our faith and cause it to come alive in us. Are you ready?


I believe in You Lord. You spoke in the beginning and You are still speaking today. Despite any attack on my life, You have given me authority over my enemy to activate the power of Jesus while standing firm with the faith in You. The attack is sure but it does not alter my faith. It comes like a mountain standing over me and it can be intimidating, but all I need is mustard seed faith in You because You have already given me the authority to move mountains.

I speak to the daily mountains!

In Jesus’ name!

I speak against the daily attacks!

In Jesus’ name!

I speak against the enemy’s plans!

In Jesus’ name!

I speak the name of Jesus over my day. May You guide, protect, and orchestrate my day. I stand firm and trust in You. There is no other help, save You alone!

I believe this!


Categories: Desk Notes