Day 4:


Jeremiah 33:1-3

Jeremiah was in confinement and God told him to call on Him and He would answer and show why He is the great and mighty God that He is. What a blessing it is to know that we can call and God will answer. The petitions that we make will reach the throne room and God will answer. Satan knows this so he attacks our prayer life to stop us from praying. To keep us from being persistent. To make us doubt. To do whatever it is that would cause us to believe that God will not answer. Before we pray, we MUST believe that God will answer. Maybe not in our timing, but it will come.

Likewise, when He answers He will display His greatness. Israel was in captivity. Jeremiah was in confinement and God was talking about prospering them. The former would return and God would purify them. Today, let us think back to the things we lost – whether it was through our sin or through us allowing the enemy to take what was not his – and let us in confidence believe that God will return the former things that He gave to us. God wants to answer and show. Do you believe that He can do it?!


Lord God Almighty! The One who made me and fashioned me for this day. The One who called me for a purpose. The enemy has tried to hide so many spiritual words and heavenly actions from us to block access of what You have for us, but we are not accepting it. You said if we call on You and made our requests known, You would answer and make Your mighty works known.

In the midst of our situations and circumstances, in the midst of our mental bondage and spiritual Egypt that we face, we petition the Judge of the Court of Heaven to send His peace to comfort us while His mighty hand brings back the victory and changes the outcome before us. Everything spoken by the enemy, we call on You asking that you change the outcome according to Your Name (which is Victory). We hold tight to this truth, knowing that You started a work in us and regardless of all the enemy has planned, you can fix anything in any situation.

We call on You because we believe that You are the only one who can do it. Show Yourself strong.

In Jesus’ mighty name!


Categories: Desk Notes