
Luke 18:1-8

Evening Devotion

It is important to see that the widow did not quit. She was committed to receive that which she believed for even though the situation did not show it possible. God is reminding us that we do not always get the opportunity to operate from a position on the mountain. Sometimes we are in the valley of no hope, surrounded by the enemy of no help, or in a tomb of no health. We must be persistent in our prayer knowing that the situation may keep fighting us because it does not want to allow us to experience victory. For this sake, we must never give up. God wants to give us the victory, the healing, the power, but He is waiting to see how valuable it is to us.


Lord. We do not quit. We are not people who give up in the wilderness. We are not people who give up when we see the enemy gaining on us. We are a people who know that You are a promise keeper who will stay faithful and true to His word. We pray for healing for those who are sick. We pray for victory for those who feel defeated. We pray for power for those who are weak. We believe that You can and will do it and we will not quit until we receive the promise from the promise keeper.

In Jesus’ Name!


Categories: Desk Notes