Day 3:


Daniel 6:1-10

Morning Devotion

Daniel’s custom was to pray 3 times a day which established a solid prayer life. He did not wait to pray when there was a problem. He made a habit of praying at all times. This was the only thing his enemies had against him.

When he found out, he did not get angry or resort to retaliation. He continued his custom because he knew God brought him to that position and God would keep him in the midst of the attacks.

Satan does not like what God does in our lives so he sends haters to discredit or break down what God built up. This is why we build a solid habit of prayer, so that we can stay persistent and unwavering when a problem arises. Don’t wait to pray. Don’t stop praying. We know in whom we have believed. We know that pray changes more than just our situation but it also changes US. Let us pray today and every day.


Lord Jesus! You have not called us to back down from our adversary. You have commanded us to be PERSISTENT in prayer; never giving up, regardless of the projected outcome, negative comments, or rumors. May we be persistent in prayer just like Daniel who knew the outcome was risking his life and the woman who petitioned the king. They both refused to settle. God of heaven, may we refuse to settle for what this world may have for us, knowing that the kingdom suffers violence and only the violent take it by force. So, we speak to our adversary to say we will not settle, nor will we stop praying until we receive what God has promised us.

In Jesus’ name!


Categories: Desk Notes