Day 7 Evening Devotion

Day 7: (Scripture) John 15:1-8 Evening Devotion Jesus declares that much fruit will come from us if we abide in Him. He also mentions that His word abides in us. Without His word, we can do nothing. This does not mean we cannot function in everyday operations. It means that Read more…

Day 6 Evening Devotion

Day 6: (Scripture) Ephesians 6:11-18 Evening Devotion You cannot stand against the enemy when you are uncovered. Satan looks for the believer who is vulnerable so he can attack them. Sometimes these are attacks are mistaken to be your friend, coworker, family members, or even a stranger. We must remember Read more…

Day 3 Evening Devotion

(Scripture) Luke 18:1-8 Evening Devotion It is important to see that the widow did not quit. She was committed to receive that which she believed for even though the situation did not show it possible. God is reminding us that we do not always get the opportunity to operate from Read more…